Paket & priser

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By choosing the level of your acquiring agreement, you can control your monthly cost, you can then control your price to make it affordable for you. See our different levels and content below.

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Funktioner – radio
Advanced sales statistics
Get an overview of your sales / number of orders / top sellers / per day / week / month / year. – By country, by sales channel, store, e-commerce, order value, manufacturer, etc
APK for Payment Terminal
Available for Android terminal provided by Fortus
APK for Smartphone
Support for Android smartphone.
APK for Tablet (android)
Support for Android Tablet (Fortus specification)
Article variants
Easily add variants on products such as color, size, quantity etc
Automatic discount calculation
Manually added discounts are displayed to merchants and customers.
Automatic discount system
Discount is automatically given to customers who have shopped for x SEK in total during time period etc. (Part of the Marketing Tools)
Automatic end of day
Function for automatic closing of the day’s sales before opening the next day. Good if you forget to close the checkout so that x&z reports are not wrong.
Built-in integrated e-commerce
Built-in e-commerce for minimal administration
Buy Now Pay Later
Invoice 14 days with installment, 3-36 months installment, account.
Campaign statistics
Shows all campaigns’ results, number of purchases, total sales and can be sent to excel for analysis
Campaign statistics
Shows all campaigns made with number of purchases, total sales contributed by the campaign, etc. Can be sent to Excel for further analysis.
Campaign tools with omni-functionality
Discounts or mail-in rebates on products, X% discount on the purchase of a specific product, part of a variety, whole range, etc. Also works with Fortus e-commerce (Omni).
Can be run on PC cash register
Yes there is support for PC, Mac, Tablet, iPad & Tablet via web browser
Can run on iPad, Mac
Yes there is support for PC, Mac, Tablet, iPad & Tablet via web browser
Card payments
Select the card you want to activate, Visa MC Debit, Credit etc
Cash box
Cash drawer support, this function is controlled by the receipt printer.
Group articles so you can get a better overview when there are many products such as men, women, children, etc.
Collect your customers’ email addresses
Possibility to collect your customers’ email addresses to offer them specific targeted offers or discounts etc. Omni functionality.
Contract prices – different prices for different customers
Enables customer-specific prices
Control unit Swedish Tax Agency
If you have a turnover of more than SEK xxx, you are required to have an approved control unit. Our controller is cloud-based, so you don’t need to buy one yourself or keep it on your counter or in your car.
Create new customer
Easy to add individual customers directly at the checkout or via the administration tool, automatic address capture is available as an option to save time.
Customer buys online – picks up in store
Customer buys in online store – Orders are reserved in store for the customer to pick up.
Customer buys online – Shipped to customer’s home
Customer buys in online store – Order sent to customer’s home.
Customer register
A record of all customers, name, address, mobile and email based on what you collected.
Customer visits store 1 – Sends to customer’s home
Customer visits store 1 – Store 1 sends home to customer
Customer visits store 1 – Store 2 sends home to customer
Customer visits store – product out of stock in this store – other store sends product to customer.
Customer visits store 1 – Store 2 sends to Store 1 & Customer picks up in store 1
Customer-specific logins
Manages customer-unique logins
Customizable GDPR feature
Easy to administer GDPR features, set your specific needs, remove customer, make customer statement etc
Deal of the day
Daily promotions, such as Christmas calendars or other specific occasions when you want daily offers in your shop/e-commerce.
Dealing with B2B & B2C customers
Handles both B2C & B2B customers with ease. B2B has the option of separate billing address etc.
Discount codes
Creates unique discount codes that can be used by one customer or many, can be sent by email or text message as part of a promotion or as a replacement when something goes wrong.
Discount in % and SEK on the entire purchase
Possibility to easily put a discount on the whole purchase in % and kr.
E-invoice company, municipality etc
E-invoice with 30 days payment time, support for trade with municipality, county council, state etc.
EAN code scanning via phone
The function is solved via the phone’s built-in camera
EAN code scanning via Terminal
The function is solved via the Terminal’s built-in scanner
EAN codes
EAN codes for scanning
Email receipt
Email the receipt directly from the cash register
Enhanced search function
Search for specific customer orders based on social security number, name, address, product, date, etc.
Exporting customers
Easily export customers using files for further use in other systems.
Extended product information
Supports viewing directly at checkout of all information available including photos. Facilitates cashiers to answer questions or recommend products.
Transfer of accounting & bookkeeping info, accounts receivable, sales, prices item data stock balance by automatic or other setting
Fortus Checkout
Integrated solution for customers to choose: Visa, Mastercard, Swish, Invoice 14 days, 3-36 months installment, account
Function to manage customer-unique prices
If you have customers who buy at different prices depending on purchase volumes etc
Integration as desired
Importing and exporting products
Want to change prices or add a larger amount of product info? In this case, we recommend that you import the changes by uploading an Excel or csv file.
Importing customers
Easy to add private or business customers by loading div files.
Information about the cash register
Invoice 14 days with partial payment
Invoice with 14 days payment term with the possibility for the customer to start partial payment to help with financing.